About Dr. Susan Sklar, MD
About Dr. Susan Sklar
Susan Sklar MD is a Harvard-trained gynecologist who holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology from The University of Chicago and Doctor of Medicine Degree from Boston University School of Medicine.
Dr. Sklar practiced medicine at her private practice in Southern California for 30 years, and now consults internationally through her official website SusanSklarMD.com
Dr. Sklar pursued training in sexual function solutions for men and women and completed the nationally recognized fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine sponsored by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. She is certified in the Bredesen Protocol for slowing and reversing early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and its precursor, mild cognitive impairment.
Dr. Sklar’s current professional specialty is the development of breakthrough treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome, a chronic, neuropathic pain condition that affects primarily menopausal women. Hundreds of women have found relief in the hormone balancing protocols developed by Dr. Sklar in her practice.
Her passion is bringing this knowledge to the community so that everyone can take advantage of this new perspective and live longer, healthier lives.
A note from Dr. Sklar
My Health Journey
If you’ve arrived here to find solutions to your nagging health concerns, I know what you are going through.
About 25 years ago, I developed a series of autoimmune diseases including thyroiditis, psoriasis, disabling osteoarthritis of the knee which was predicted to never improve, and the worst, ulcerative colitis. I sought help from traditional medicine. I repeatedly asked if my diet could be related to my colitis. My gastroenterologist always answered no.
Traditional Medicine Did Not Have the Answers
After 15 years of suffering from ulcerative colitis, I decided to stop eating wheat. In a short time, I found that my symptoms decreased almost 100%. And incidentally my psoriasis went away. In addition, my thyroid calmed down. That experience, among several others revealed that traditional medical solutions were no solution at all for me.
I Will Help You
Through my personal experience and my experience treating patients, I’ve expanded my traditional Harvard-trained obstetrics and gynecology practice to a functional medicine practice. Functional medicine is the way to truly help my patients. I now use bioidentical hormones, diet, natural supplements, and lifestyle changes to improve or cure many health problems. I am licensed in Texas as well as Florida, New York and California.
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