Introducing the world’s first and only resource for sufferers of Burning Mouth Syndrome — A course created by Burning Mouth specialist Dr. Susan Sklar especially for you!

For the first time anywhere, Hope for Burning Mouth is your complete online resource and community created to help you find relief and get your questions answered by Dr. Sklar.
If you suffer from Burning Mouth Syndrome – or have ever wondered if your symptoms might be Burning Mouth, finally, there’s hope . . .
Here’s just some of what you’ll find inside Hope for Burning Mouth:
- A deep clinical understanding of the challenges and frustration of getting a Burning Mouth Syndrome diagnosis.
- A way to figure out if you are in a high-risk group for having Burning Mouth Syndrome.
- Instructions on how to review your own supplement and medication history so that you can finally understand the impact they have on Burning Mouth Syndrome.
- Dr. Sklar’s 12 point self assessment to help you finally know – once and for all if you suffer from Burning Mouth, or if your symptoms are actually one of twelve conditions that often mimic Burning Mouth Syndrome (and what to do about those).
- Dr. Sklar’s discussion about the common treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome and why they fail.
- An introduction to The Sklar Method.
- Access to a future bonus module discussing the new and innovative treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome.
Discover how to get the personal care you need. You’ll find recommendations on finding a provider who is open-minded and willing to learn about this puzzling disorder.
Affordable and easily accessible from anywhere in the world, Hope for Burning Mouth is your go-to resource on the latest, cutting edge research and solutions.
Wonder If Hope for Burning Mouth is right for you?
It’s right for you if:
#1 – You have been trying to figure out if you have Burning Mouth Syndrome and can’t get help from the medical establishment.
It takes an average of 34 months — yes, almost three years — to get a Burning Mouth Diagnosis.
And there’s a good reason for this — most doctors have no idea what to do about this condition, and as the Journal of Oral Sciences reported in 2010, “Most clinicians DREAD seeing the patient presenting with a primary complaint of burning pain on one or more oral mucosal surfaces (the lining of your mouth and tongue).”
Why? Because they don’t know what to do for you!
This typical hesitancy and fear of Burning Mouth Syndrome represents three long years of going to doctors, dentists, specialists, and alternative practitioners.
That’s three years of sleeplessness, pain, frustration, and thinking that you’re going crazy.
And then, once you do find out you have Burning Mouth Syndrome, you need to find a solution.
After working successfully with hundreds of Burning Mouth Syndrome patients, I’ve created this course to significantly shorten that timeline for you — starting now.
What you need is a roadmap to follow — one that tells you if you might have Burning Mouth Syndrome or the myriad other conditions that can give you pain and dry mouth.
#2 – You feel like you’re crazy because you are in pain and no one can find anything wrong with you.
You have been on your own trying to navigate the system. But now there is help. Hope for Burning Mouth will review the possible causes of your symptoms, the right tests that will help you get a diagnosis, and an idea of the most effective treatments for getting you the relief you deserve.
Burning Mouth patients have anxiety, depression and stress, which is understandable. It’s a part of this puzzling syndrome and needs to be addressed. That said, what you don’t need is doctors telling you that it must be in your head because they can’t find anything wrong.
The medical establishment has tried to blame Burning Mouth Syndrome on depression and anxiety. 90% of people with Burning Mouth Syndrome are peri-menopausal and menopausal women. When the primary people suffering are women, it’s easy for the medical establishment to write it off to emotional problems. This is clearly unfair.
What you are up against:
- Doctors who believe that depression is the cause.
- Doctors who think anxiety is the cause.
- Scientists who think fear of cancer is the cause.
Yes, even in this age of scientific advances, there are doctors still claiming it’s all in your head! They think you are worrying yourself into Burning Mouth Syndrome. They are also saying that because you are depressed, normal sensations are being perceived as painful.
But you know it’s not normal, and I know it’s not normal. Because doctors can’t figure it out, they are blaming you, the person with Burning Mouth Syndrome. The more enlightened doctors say you’re depressed because of the pain. That’s more like it. Of course, chronic pain is depressing, especially if your sleep is affected. But you need help and relief.
You know there is something wrong and that you are not imagining it. But you need help in getting the treatment you seek. That’s where this course comes in. Armed with the right data and next steps, you can now take charge of your healing path going forward, and find a doctor who will not only make the diagnosis, but also treat you based on the knowledge in this course and Dr.Sklar’s upcoming professional course Burning Mouth Solutions for Practitioners.
#3 – You are tired of running around in circles without finding a solution to this puzzling disorder that no one seems to know much about.
Of course you are. You just need the knowledge to understand how to look beyond your tongue to how your body is deficient in nourishing hormones that tame the flames of inflammation. You need to know the effects of diet, vitamins, and minerals as contributing factors to your Burning Mouth Syndrome.
Seeing professionals who examine the surface of your tongue and mouth is important for diagnosis of Burning Mouth Syndrome but will not provide a solution. The problem is not visible. It is in the nerves. The deficiencies in your hormone levels are causing malfunction in your nerves. This Is what is causing your burning tongue and mouth.
The solution is to treat the underlying problem which causes burning mouth and tongue. You do not have a deficiency in Prozac or Librium. You do have deficiencies in many steroid hormones.
Why is this? For one thing, you are likely menopausal or perimenopausal. 90% of sufferers of Burning Mouth Syndrome fall into this category. Your hormone levels have been declining for years and now have reached a critical level.
Added to this is stress. And who isn’t stressed? The modern world, our demanding lives, past trauma, and illnesses can cause a stress response in your body that depletes your important neuroactive hormones. These are hormones that specifically act within the nerves in your body.
You may be deficient in critical vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals are essential to proper function of nerves and reduction of pain.
You may have pain after a viral infection. You need a doctor who can test you for this.
You may have other conditions that mimic Burning Mouth Syndrome. You need to be evaluated for these so that you can get proper treatment for autoimmune disorders, diabetes, or yeast in your mouth. These problems can give you mouth pain and dryness.
Your Hope for Burning Mouth Course Includes:
- Lifetime access to your course portal; a virtual “Tool Kit” covering all aspects of Burning Mouth Syndrome in eight sequential modules, 52 lessons.
- An additional future module on new treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome
Before I show you what’s inside each of the modules, I think it’s time I introduce myself.
For the past 15 years I have been treating both men and women in the emerging field of Functional Medicine. In this field I take on the most challenging and complex patients — the ones who have searched everywhere without success.
Only since then have I been able to really change lives. Burning Mouth Syndrome is one of those challenging and complex problems. I have witnessed how solving this problem changes lives and brings more joy.
I know what you need:
- First, you want to be heard and understood, not written off as a kook who doesn’t have any visible problem.
- Then you need a doctor who can think outside the box for treatments because the usual pain medications don’t work very well or have intolerable side effects.
- You need someone with a broad understanding of Burning Mouth Syndrome because there are many possible treatments and you may need to try multiple approaches.
- You need some steps you can take for yourself right now to start getting relief.
And my own health journey helped me understand what’s it like to be misunderstood by doctors who have a narrow approach where they only stay within their own specialty area rather than putting together a multidisciplinary approach.
This insight has dramatically influenced the way I think about health challenges and meet them.
My experience with many Burning Mouth patients has given me a greater depth of understanding than most practitioners who only see one or two patients with this problem during their entire practice careers.
I work almost exclusively with Burning Mouth patients like you. I help you:
- Figure out if you really have Burning Mouth Syndrome or if it could be something else
- Find a practitioner who can help you implement the recommendations in this course
- Learn what testing is needed to make the diagnosis and direct treatment
- Understand options to try on your own to get relief
- Finally get your life back so that pain is no longer controlling you
At last, someone who understands. Possibly the worst thing about BMS is that although it is not life threatening, it is certainly life changing and it takes a long time to come to terms with and accept. Acceptance is the key to going forward with our lives.
I have indeed just managed to download your Mouth on Fire book. I am here crying because FINALLY, FINALLY someone understands the agony I have been going through for a year now, nonstop.
I see a glimmer of hope on the horizon. I am desperately searching for a doctor in my country who can treat me as you do similar sufferers of this condition.
I desperately want to get off the medication my doctor has put me on as I cannot function and have lost my love for life.
Thank you so much for your work. It means so much to me.
Best regards,
But, you may have some legitimate doubts …
- I don’t know if this will work for me. I’ve tried so many things before.
- Will I be able to understand what’s in this course? Learning medical terminology and about diagnosis and treatment seems daunting.
- What if it’s too late? I’ve been suffering for so long, I feel like nothing will work. Is there is a chance that I will find solutions in this course to help me feel better?
Here’s what I can promise you:
I’ve seen BMS patients who’ve suffered for decades find relief and a confident path forward under my care.
What’s more, I’ve made every effort to make everything as actionable and as easy to understand by the lay person as possible.
You will follow the Hope for Burning Mouth course discovery pathway step-by-step, taking you through learning everything there is to know about this difficult and challenging syndrome. You will become your own expert and probably know more about Burning Mouth Syndrome than most practitioners.
I encourage you to forget the agony and frustration you have gone through trying to get a diagnosis. Look to the future and the possibility that your pain will no longer control your life.
Let go of what other doctors may have told you in the past. Let go of the pain of being told “there is nothing we can do.” There is in fact a great deal we have been doing with success in helping BMS sufferers just like you.
Stay open to the possibility of getting help that is effective and will bring you relief.
Are you ready to be heard, believed and understood? Are you ready to find a solution?
She is absolutely amazing and the slide show was very informative as I’m losing hope. This has given me hope back.
Have a beautiful day. Thank you kindly.
Inside Hope for Burning Mouth: An Online Course for Relief.

Hope for Burning Mouth is an eight module, fifty-two lesson course that draws on the same insights and ideas for treating Burning Mouth Syndrome that Dr. Susan Sklar has used with her private Burning Mouth patients for over a decade.
Hope for Burning Mouth is a one-of-a-kind course that reveals everything you need to know to get on the road to recovery from Burning Mouth Syndrome and enjoy life again.
The course is completely online, and you’ll get life-time access. It is self-paced — so you can take as long as you need to understand and implement the important concepts revealed throughout the program.
Hope for Burning Mouth is not about dusting off your textbooks and getting into ‘cram’ mode. Rather, the course contains practical ideas you can start using right now to decrease your symptoms.
PLUS, the course will be updated regularly with the newest information and insights on all aspects of Burning Mouth Syndrome.
Hope for Burning Mouth progresses sequentially through these eight modules:
- Module 1 – Welcome and Introduction
- Module 2 – Burning Mouth Syndrome Basics
- Module 3 – The Challenges of Getting a Burning Mouth Diagnosis
- Module 4 – A Review of Your Medical History
- Module 5 – What Else Could It Be?
- Module 6 – Testing for Burning Mouth Syndrome
- Module 7 – Conventional Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome
- Module 8 – The Sklar Method of Treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome
Learn all you need to know to help yourself and finally get some relief.

- You will find out what motivated Dr. Sklar to change career paths midway and learn about Functional Medicine, which is the approach to solving your Burning Mouth problems.
- You will be introduced to the Course Overview and Objectives.
- You will have the first homework assignments to help you assess your Burning Mouth problems and the impact they have on your quality of life.
This module gets you ready for what follows in the rest of the course.

- You will learn the medical definition of Burning Mouth Syndrome.
- You will find out the roles of age and hormone status in getting Burning Mouth Syndrome.
- You will learn about the symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome.
- You have a self-assessment to help you figure out if your pain is neuropathic. This needs a completely different approach than an acute pain problem.
- You also will do a self-assessment to specifically determine if you have Burning Mouth Syndrome.
Knowing the basics will lay a sound foundation for the modules on finding relief of your Burning Mouth symptoms.

- In this lesson you learn why some doctors brush you off.
- You will learn about the differences between Conventional Medicine and Functional Medicine and what the conventional approach lacks.
- You will learn why you go from doctor to doctor in various specialties but still don’t have a solution.
- You will complete a homework assignment which will help you track your medical journey.
Your frustration will end when you understand why the conventional medical approach keeps you going in circles trying to find a solution.

- In this lesson you will learn about other conditions that have symptoms similar to Burning Mouth Syndrome.
- You will find out about deficiencies in vitamins and minerals that are easily replaced and can reduce your pain.
- You will learn about diabetes as a cause of mouth pain.
- You might find out that one of your medications is contributing to your pain.
- You will learn which autoimmune disorders, including celiac disease, can give you symptoms similar to Burning Mouth Syndrome.
You might have a condition that gives you mouth pain, sores, and dryness but isn’t Burning Mouth Syndrome. Isn’t it time that you find out?

- Do you have jaw problems or salivary gland problems that give you pain and dry mouth? Find out so you can get evaluated and treated for one of these disorders.
- Find out what sores in the mouth mean. Are they viral infections or autoimmune problems?
- What does a white coating on the tongue come from? This common problem is easy to fix.
- You can figure these out by yourself with the Module 5 Self-Assessment.
- The Module 5 Homework Assignment will help you keep track of everything you find out. You will also have a document containing this important information for when you find the right doctor.
You’re not alone in this journey. Module 5 is self-education in disorders of the mouth so you know what to ask about when you receive medical care.

- You will learn which lab tests to do so it will not be a mystery any longer.
- You will learn what brain chemicals are involved in pain and how to know if you are deficient in ones that lower pain.
- You will find out how stress, anxiety and depression affect your pain.
- Multiple self-assessments will tell you if brain chemicals, stress, anxiety and depression are important players in your Burning Mouth Syndrome.
Your doctors may not know what tests to do but you have a roadmap to show them.

- You will learn that most doctors are stumped by your problem.
- You will learn the real cause of Burning Mouth Syndrome.
- You will also learn why conventional treatments don’t work very well.
- You will have medication and supplement worksheets to help you keep track of what you have tried, what worked and what didn’t.
Making a list of what you have tried that didn’t work may be demoralizing but it will actually help when you find the right doctor.

- You will learn about the multi-disciplinary approach of the Sklar Method.
- You will find out about the healing and pain-relieving effects of hormones.
- You will get your questions answered about hormone risks and safety.
- You will learn about replenishing vitamins and minerals that are important in relieving your Burning Mouth pain.
- You will find out about a cutting edge compounded medication that is an important part of many pain relief regimens.
- You will learn about allergic type reactions that can cause Burning Mouth Syndrome and how to treat them. A self-assessment will help you decide if this is a factor in your Burning Mouth Syndrome.
- The important lifestyle factors of nutrition, sleep, and stress reduction for pain relief are spelled out.
- The vital Brain-Body connection is explained with resources recommended to help you start mapping your brain out of pain.
- You will learn about an easy to take, safe supplement developed by Dr. Sklar specifically for Burning Mouth patients.
Module 8 is a compendium of everything Dr. Sklar has learned, put together, and utilized to get her private patients better. You now have the advantage of having this information all in one accessible place.

- The glossary of medical terms is linked to the words in the lessons to help you understand these medical concepts.
- Your Self-Assessments are listed and grouped by module.
- Your Homework and Quizzes are listed and grouped by module.
- Dr. Sklar’s 7-part informative webinar on Burning Mouth Syndrome is posted.
- The Mouth on Fire E-book is posted for easy reference.
100% Personal Money-Back Guarantee

In your email, include a copy of the Homework, Quizzes and Self-Assessments you’ve completed and explain why you’re not happy with the results.
This isn’t a ‘hardcore’ interrogation. But I do need to know that you’ve tried… that you’ve completed the exercises and taken action on the material.
I know when the Hope for Burning Mouth system is followed it can and will bring about pain relief. So, I have a duty to make sure you at least give it a good shot before abandoning your hopes of getting relief from Burning Mouth Syndrome.
What kind of doctor would I be if I didn’t at least do that?
If, before the end of the first 30-days, you do the work described above and still honestly don’t think Hope for Burning Mouth: An Online Course for Relief can help you, turn in your request and you’ll get a full refund.
I can’t be any fairer than that.
But I don’t think that’s going to happen.
I’ve seen too many patients’ lives changed by ideas I present in Hope for Burning Mouth.
I’m so excited to share them with you.
Frequently Asked Questions

This course is designed to be easily understood and implemented regardless of your level of medical knowledge. The Homework, Quizzes and Self-Assessments are designed to solidify your knowledge.
What’s more, we have a glossary of medical terms to help you as well as the opportunity to get your questions answered directly from me.
What if I have tried multiple treatments without success?
Dr. Sklar frequently encounters patients who have seen 5, 10 or 15 practitioners without success. The methods described in Hope for Burning Mouth are unlike any you have likely tried before and have a good chance of success.
What if this is my first experience trying to get help for my Burning Mouth Syndrome?
Actually, you are in a good position if this is your first foray into the Burning Mouth world. You will save yourself a whole lot of trial and error by learning what to do and what not to do in this course. You will be directed to treatments that are much more likely to be successful than the ones your local doctor or primary care provider might recommend.
What if this course doesn’t do anything to help me?
I understand it can be discouraging to try treatments that fail but we are always finding new treatments and will bring them to you in the Bonus Module: New Treatments on the Horizon.
Is there a way to contact Dr. Sklar directly?
Please email Dr. Sklar at [email protected] or phone 562-245-9027.
- Lifetime access to your course portal
- A Virtual “Tool Kit” covering all aspects of Burning Mouth Syndrome
- Course work developed by a Burning Mouth specialist
- Eight Modules
- Fifty-two Lessons
- Self-Assessments
- Quizzes
- Homework
- 15% Discount on Burning Mouth Advanced Support
- An additional future module on new treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome
Single Payment
2 Monthly Payments
Hope For Burning Mouth Course is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not use the information in this Course for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or for prescribing any medication or for other treatment.
You should always speak with Your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal, or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a health condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have learned in this course. Information provided in this course and the use of any products or services purchased by you on the susansklarmd.com website DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship.
Information and statements regarding dietary supplements available on this Website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
©2024 Sklar University. All rights reserved.