Conventional Evaluation and Treatment of Burning Mouth Syndrome

By Susan E. Sklar, M.D.

The first step in treating Burning Mouth Syndrome is a thorough evaluation. A physician must make the diagnosis initially. This because there are other diseases and side effects of medicines that can occur with similar symptoms.

Dr. Susan Sklar, MD uses her knowledge as a functional medicine doctor in her integrated approach to treatment and evaluation of Burning Mouth Syndrome. She certainly wants you to have a thorough evaluation to make the diagnosis. Once that happens though, she uses a combination of conventional medical treatments along with the innovative treatments she has developed as a functional, integrative doctor. She may recommend treatment with conventional medicines integrated with treatments based on functional medicine such as replenishment of missing nutrients.

Sklar Center treats Burning Mouth Syndrome

Do you have Burning Mouth Syndrome?

Are you plagued with burning in your mouth or tongue?  Does it occur every day?  Has it gone on for four to six months?  Have you been to many doctors and dentists who say everything looks normal?  If so, you likely have Burning Mouth Syndrome.

Burning Mouth Syndrome is a chronic pain condition. It is a neuropathy. This means that a nerve becomes inflamed and sends messages to the brain that something is wrong. This shows up as either burning pain, tingling, a metallic taste in the mouth or a feeling of dry mouth.

Any neuropathy, but especially Burning Mouth Syndrome, stumps the conventional medical establishment. That’s why Dr. Sklar applies a different approach to its treatment as an alternative health doctor.

Patients end up seeing a wide variety of healthcare practitioners before they receive a diagnosis.  The patients that come to Dr. Sklar have often seen a dentist, ear nose and throat doctor, oral surgeon, allergist, primary care doctor, neurologist, rheumatologist and sometimes an infectious disease doctor. Very few doctors have heard of Burning Mouth Syndrome. And fewer doctors know how to treat Burning Mouth Syndrome.  This fact makes it much more difficult for patients. Estimates show that it takes two to three years to make the diagnosis. Moreover, before patients learn the diagnosis, they have seen an average of four to five doctors.

Who Gets Burning Mouth Syndrome?

Burning Mouth Syndrome mainly affects women, particularly after the menopause. The highest numbers are in women aged 60 to 69.  90% of the people who have Burning Mouth Syndrome are perimenopausal or menopausal women. This shows a high likelihood that hormones play a role.  Men who experience burning sensations in their mouths are affected far less than women, 1/3 to 1/10 as often. The average age for Burning Mouth Syndrome in females is 64.  For men, it is older.  It is rare to find burning mouth syndrome in females under age 30 and in males under age 40.

What Causes Burning in the Mouth?

There are many conditions which can cause burning in the mouth. A physician must make a thorough evaluation before making the diagnosis of Burning Mouth Syndrome. Some of the causes are what a follows:

Medications can be the cause 

The first thing to look at is current medications. Medications can cause the following symptoms: burning in the mouth, low saliva levels, and dry mouth.

The most implicated medications are high blood pressure medications principally those that act on the renin-angiotensin system. These include captopril, enalapril and lisinopril.

Nutritional Deficiencies can cause Burning Mouth

Certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause neurologic problems like Burning Mouth Syndrome.

Hormone Deficiencies can be a cause

90% of the patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome are peri-menopausal and menopausal women.  Multiple hormone deficiencies occur at this time of life.

Thrush is a yeast infection

A yeast infection from Candida on the tongue can cause burning.  Usually the tongue is coated white or gray.  One study showed that treatment with a topical antifungal medication in the mouth helped 2/3 of the subjects in the study.

Diabetes and other causes of nerve dysfunction and disease called neuropathy can be a cause

Diabetics are known to have increased risk of neuropathy with burning in the legs and feet. They also have increased risk of Burning Mouth Syndrome.

Viral Infections may be involved

Many viral infections cause blisters in the mouth which can leave pain after healing.  It is important to note that these viral infections can cause pain even if blisters are not present.[4] Here is a list of viral infections that can cause pain.

Autoimmune Disorders also cause pain

Autoimmune disorders are diseases where the body attacks its own tissues. These diseases can cause similar symptoms to Burning Mouth Syndrome.  Autoimmune diseases can cause dry mouth, pain, and burning in the mouth.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome is another cause

Immune cells called mast cells become active during allergic reactions normally.  When they are overactive, Burning Mouth can result.

Gastro-esophageal reflux/laryngeal-pharyngeal reflux is common

This is a disease caused by loosening of the lower esophageal sphincter. This allows reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, throat  and mouth, causing burning pain.

What is the Evaluation for Burning Mouth Syndrome?

Initially, a physician examines the mouth and tongue.

  • Is there a white coating
  • Are there tiny blisters
  • Are there white patches
  • Is there low salivary flow?

Laboratory testing:

  • Cultures (swab tests) for herpes and other viral infections as well as a culture for yeast infection.
  • Blood tests for vitamin and mineral status.

Vitamin B2, B6, B12 and folate. red blood cell magnesium, iron, total iron binding capacity, percent saturation, and ferritin levels

  • Blood tests can show prior viral infection which may still be lurking in the nerve roots and causing pain.
  • Blood test for autoimmune diseases.

It’s Not in Your Head:

Burning Mouth Syndrome is a central neuropathic pain condition.  This means that the nerves connecting your tongue sensations to your brain are not functioning correctly. It also means that the problem is in your brain cells as well as the nerves to your tongue and mouth.  No one knows exactly why this happens.

Making a diagnosis can be difficult

Usually, the biopsy looks normal. However, special stains show an overall reduction in nerve fibers in the lining of the mouth of Burning Mouth Syndrome patients. This is compared to people who don’t have Burning Mouth Syndrome. Also, there is degeneration of the long, thin connector nerves called the axons. In addition, certain pain receptors and nerve growth factors were different in the tongues of Burning Mouth patients from healthy subjects. There are differences in proteins that are involved in pain feelings between Burning Mouth patients and controls. These studies show that there is a factual basis for the dysfunction of nerves in Burning Mouth Syndrome.  You are not imagining it!

There are differences in brain function

There are also differences in the brains of Burning Mouth sufferers. They have lower dopamine. Dopamine is a pain modulating brain chemical.  This could also be a contributor to the chronic pain in Burning Mouth Syndrome.

There are theories about the cause of Burning Mouth Syndrome

Hormones as a cause 

There are several theories about the cause of Burning Mouth Syndrome.  Since 90% of the people who have this condition are peri-menopausal and menopausal women, hormone decline is one possible cause.  We also know that stress and anxiety are associated with worse pain in Burning Mouth Syndrome.  Doctors used to think it was “all in the head.”  However, we know that there are many physiological changes that increase pain when there is emotional stress.

Mast Cell Activation

Another theory is mast cell activation. This is a condition where a type of white blood cell called mast cells release irritating and inflammatory chemicals that cause nerve pain.

Lack of Neuroactive Chemicals

What we do know about neuropathic pain is that they persist because there are not enough nourishing chemicals for nerve growth and repair.  In addition, the researchers find that the nerves are inflamed.  This adds up to pain, burning, taste abnormalities, and feelings of dryness.

What are the Standard Treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome?

There are many treatments for Burning Mouth Syndrome.  Here are the most prescribed medications in traditional medical treatment.

  • Topical Capsaicin (hot peppers) can be a help
  • Topical Clonazepam can be effective
  • Topical Mouth Moisturizers are used
  • Anti-depressant medications show modest benefits
  • Anti-seizure medications have significant side effects
  • There are supplements for the treatment of Burning Mouth Syndrome
  • Low Level Laser treatments need more study
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be helpful

And it’s NOT in your head.

To get more information and help contact us.

References for healthcare professionals and visitors to my site who want more in-depth information
  1. David Mock & Deepika Chugh Burning Mouth Syndrome International Journal of Oral Science 01 March 2010 LINK: Burning Mouth Syndrome
  2. Andy Wolff, Revan Kumar Joshi , Jörgen Ekström, Doron Aframian, Anne Marie Lynge Pedersen, Gordon Proctor, Nagamani Narayana, Alessandro Villa, Ying Wai Sia, Ardita Aliko, Richard McGowan, Alexander Ross Kerr, Siri Beier Jensen, Arjan Vissink, Colin Dawes A Guide to Medications Inducing Salivary Gland Dysfunction, Xerostomia, and Subjective Sialorrhea: A Systematic Review Sponsored by the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI National Center for Biotechnology Information 2017 Mar;17(1):1-28 LINK: A Guide to Medications Inducing Salivary Gland Dysfunction, Xerostomia, and Subjective Sialorrhea: A Systematic Review Sponsored by the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI
  3. Jae Hyung Kim, Hyunjung Kim, Kwang Yoon Jung, Seung-Kuk Baek Usefulness of Treatment with Topical Antifungals in Burning Mouth Syndrome Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2019; 62(12): 726-730. December 21, 2019 LINK: Usefulness of Treatment with Topical Antifungals in Burning Mouth Syndrome
  4. Maria A Nagel and Don Gilden Burning mouth syndrome associated with varicella zoster virus BMJ Case Rep. 2016; 2016 2016 Jul 5 LINK: Burning mouth syndrome associated with varicella zoster virus
  5. Lawrence B Afrin Burning Mouth Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Disorder Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011 Apr;111(4):465-72 LINK: Burning Mouth Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Disorder
  6. MIRIAM GRUSHKA, M.SC., D.D.S., PH.D., JOEL B. EPSTEIN, D.M.D., M.S.D, MEIR GORSKY, D.M.D. Burning Mouth Syndrome Am Fam Physician 2002 Feb 15;65(4):615-621. LINK: Burning Mouth Syndrome
  7. L Azzi, F Croveri, L Pasina, M Porrini, R Vinci, M Manfredini, L Tettamanti, A Tagliabue, J Silvestre-Rangil, F Spadari A “burning” Therapy for Burning Mouth Syndrome: Preliminary Results With the Administration of Topical Capsaicin J Biol Regul Homeost Agents Apr-Jun 2017;31(2 Suppl 1):89-95. LINK: A “burning” Therapy for Burning Mouth Syndrome: Preliminary Results With the Administration of Topical Capsaicin
  8. Bruce Jancin IHC: Sucked clonazepam douses burning mouth syndrome Internal Medicine News August 1, 2015 LINK: IHC: Sucked clonazepam douses burning mouth syndrome
  9. Takayuki Suga, Miho Takenoshita, Takeshi Watanabe, Trang TH Tu, Lou Mikuzuki, Chaoli Hong, Kazuhito Miura, Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Takahiko Nagamine, and Akira Toyofuku Therapeutic Dose of Amitriptyline for Older Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2019; 15: 3599–3607. LINK: Therapeutic Dose of Amitriptyline for Older Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome
  10. Begoña Palacios-Sánchez, Luis-Alberto Moreno-López,corresponding author Rocío Cerero-Lapiedra, Silvia Llamas-Martínez, and Germán Esparza-Gómez Alpha lipoic acid efficacy in burning mouth syndrome. A controlled clinical trial Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2015 Jul; 20(4): e435–e440. LINK: Alpha lipoic acid efficacy in burning mouth syndrome. A controlled clinical trial
  11. Juliana Cassol Spanemberg, José López, Maria Antonia Zancanaro de Figueiredo, Karen Cherubini, Fernanda Salum Efficacy of low-level laser therapy for the treatment of burning mouth syndrome: a randomized, controlled trial SPIE Digital Library 11 September 2015 LINK: Efficacy of low-level laser therapy for the treatment of burning mouth syndrome: a randomized, controlled trial

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